Chinese Medicine Acupuncture: Holistic Healing Technique To Manage Stress and Diseases
In the past few years, complementary medicine popularly known as oriental medicine practices have been adopted by diverse medical facilities around the globe. Traditional Chinese medicine Acupuncture , encompasses several mind-body practices and holistic treatments that stresses more on disease prevention rather cure. The treatments offer high level of patient compliance, alleviated stress levels, improves sleep, pain management and immunity by 1 . Dealing with the patient’s surroundings and other external factors 2 . Assisting the patient to address their emotions in a healthy manner. 3 . Improving lifestyle’s choices like diet, sleep, etc. Chinese Medicine Acupuncture: Benefits As the name suggests, Acupuncture was originated in China and is now popular around the globe. In this, the practitioner aims to stimulate several pressure points located on the body by putting fine needles into the skin. Regarded as a pain-free technique, acupuncture is used to cut down pain l...